Pumpkin Kart is Revolutionizing the Ethnic Food Scene in Toronto

Pumpkin Kart

“Because Toronto is like having the whole world in one place. You find people from everywhere in the world in the city. So I would say this is the best market to try something like this”

Philip Correya, Co-Founder

Think about Uber Eats, Skip the Dishes, Doordash but of ethnic food for South Asians in Toronto. No one was doing it until Pumpkin Kart arrived to the game. The opportunity was huge thinking about the current population of this segment in the city, plus all the new immigrants that are landing in Toronto annually.

Pumpkin Kart is an exclusive delivery service with a mobile app for ethnic food, grocery, alcohol, and more. They strive to make ethnic products accessible, high-quality, and fairly priced. Its platform serves as a one-stop shop for all the ethnic needs with the convenience of long-distance delivery, and a variety of the best in the city, all while delivering the flavours of home. As they proudly claim, Pumpkin Kart truly delivers happiness, and connects people to the flavours of their culture.

“We are building a super app for South Asians to start with, and slowly for the other ethnic communities around the world.” Co-Founder Philip Correya reflects on the future of the business and how they want to become the one-stop-shop for all ethnic communities in the city of Toronto. What makes it so appealing? Well, Toronto is a melting pot of different cultures, and what a better way of making people feel closer to home than food.

Pumpkin Kart is part of LatAm Startups’ Newcomer Entrepreneur Accelerator (NEA) Program, that helps exclusively startups from newcomers develop a clear marketing and sales strategy, identify funding opportunities, develop an IP strategy, and develop a structure ready to hire new talent, among other deliverables, to help the company integrate into Canada’s ecosystem and recover in a post-pandemic economy.

At LatAm Startups we are proud supporters of diversity and inclusion. Philip has it pretty straight forward: “I really appreciate LatAm for taking such bold initiatives and accepting people like us, especially people of colour who are not accepted everywhere.”

One of the perks of being in Toronto, is the access to massive ethnic markets and the possibility of being part of a huge ecosystem that’s growing everyday. “…LatAm Startups gave us an opportunity to be part of this great ecosystem and also to meet with like-minded entrepreneurs from the Latin American community as well.” Access to networking, investment opportunities, and business mentors is also part of the “package”.

It is important to state that through the City of Toronto’s support, LatAm Startups has been able to provide programming that assists not only Pumpkin Kart, but all of the startups in our portfolio.

Learn more about Pumpkin Kart

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