Level Up Your Life With Habitomic


“I think Toronto is a hub for business, and small businesses and startups. Especially in Toronto, they are trying to empower women. We are women founders, and that’s great for us to start here because we can communicate with many international women and communities and scale up our business.”

Mana Korjei, CEO and Co-Founder of Habitomic

There are several studies that have been researching habit formation in the last few years. Most of them state that it takes between two to eight months to successfully introduce a habit into one’s lifestyle. Truth is, one thing is the theory and another one completely different is putting it into practice. Habit formation is no easy task. It requires a lot of self-discipline and determination.

Enter Habitomic. Habitomic is a habit forming application that helps people to add new habits to their life. The Covid-19 pandemic was the turning point for the Co-Founders Hannane and Mana who decided to form new habits back then. Hanna recalls the early days of the app and how it came to life: “…it wasn’t really new things. It was a challenge. We tried to find a solution to understand what is the result of failure of habit forming. And we understood it was not only us and many people just face it and we try to find a solution and make it public, then people can find new and real things that can experience it and increase their life.” The app is powered by AI, so it provides personal communication and guidance at all times.

They launched the beta product in their home country of Iran, and then decided to enter the international markets, and started to send proposals to accelerators around the world. They were part of Startup Chile and ended up in the Startup Visa Path with LatAm Startups. After thorough review of other accelerators, they decided that LatAm Startups gave them the best value they were looking for. In the words of Hanna: “So we decided to move with LatAm Startups. Everything is perfectly managed by LatAm Startups. Different sessions, different mentors. And it was like, we have another person here from the team to help us, to let us know and put the lights on the way. So it was a perfect opportunity.”

So far, the journey has had its challenges. For Mana, the key to their success was to have a strategic partner that helped them with their growth: “But actually, with LatAm, we can actually overcome all of these challenges. Now we are here, and we are so happy.”

It is important to state that through the City of Toronto’s support, LatAm Startups has been able to provide programming that assists not only Habitomic, but all of the startups in our portfolio. Learn more about Habitomic

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