LatAm Startups Opens Applications To Become A Part Of The Scaleup Bootcamp Toronto 2020

Scaleup Bootcamp

From September 15th to October 30th, 2019, LatAm Startups will be actively receiving applications from international startups that would like to scaleup fast globally.

The Scaleup Bootcamp Toronto is the first step for international startups to validate international markets starting in North America.

Up to now, LatAm Startups has received over 50 startups under that program from different countries (mainly from Latin America), and from different sectors.

“We’re looking for technology companies growing internationally and with the right vision to take the step to expand in global markets” says Miryam Lazarte, CEO of LatAm Startups

As per the criteria, companies should consider the following:

  • Technology company with intelectual property (IP)
  • Financially stable
  • Coachable team
  • Willing to re-locate in Canada

Startups selected to become a part of the Scaleup Bootcamp Program in Toronto will come to the city in March 2020 for two-weeks with the potential to continue in the softlanding program until June 2020.

LatAm Startups is part of the designated organizations for the Canadian Startup Visa program and also member of the National Angel Capital Organization.

For international startups visiting the city during Elevate LatAm Startups will be part of Open House in September 26th, 2019, and also actively attending several presentations at Elevate. Chat with us in Twitter through #LatAmStartups

Click here to learn about other events and visit our blog to read the stories about startups participating in the LatAm Startups’s programs.

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