In a World Going Towards AI Capabilities, LogicAI is Harnessing its Power to Grow Businesses

Logic AI

“You know how it is, if you come to a new country, if you come to a new place, you are a bit stressed. You don’t know how to do it. So what you need the most is a good advisor. And actually it’s been two years already since we applied to the LatAm Startups (Startup Visa) Program. And they never failed us.”

Maria Parysz, CEO and Co-Founder

You may have seen it in the news, or actually all over the place. There seems to be an ongoing debate everywhere you look in social media and the internet about the disruption AI has come to achieve in the last few months.

Since the inception of ChatGPT in November last year, AI has been in the front row of media trending. However, AI has been around for much longer, and for sure has better uses than writing essays or passing hard MBA tests.

Maria knows this very well and decided to apply the benefits of AI into business. LogicAI was born as a group of passionate data scientists with deep understanding of business challenges. They have gathered experience from multiple projects in various areas of research and industry. All of their employees have individual and team successes in international data mining Kaggle competitions.

They also cooperate with Data Science Bootcamps, Universities and Educational Institutions – so as to be able to teach students and junior practitioners what they know best, but also to be able to engage the most promising graduates.

Their mission is to help companies in solving real business cases to accelerate clients’ performance and revenue. They believe that creating a boutique, highly specialized company is the best way to achieve it.

They have two core products: RecoAI (a​​n ethical, AI-powered recommendation system that quickly and accurately connects online customers with the products they want by analyzing their real-time behavior) and EventAI (a Machine Learning tool for analysis, simulation, and prediction of individual customer decisions). Equipped with these helpful products, Maria decided to expand to new markets, specifically to Canada.

“We came here two years ago to expand into Canada. Before that, we were very present with our AI services on European Union markets.” They also have headquarters in Dubai to attend the MENA market. For Maria, the logical next step was to conquer North America, having Toronto as a point of entry.

But in the beginning Canada wasn’t the most obvious choice, as Maria comments: “From my point of view, Canada was not the obvious, most obvious choice, but it was the easiest choice to make because we are looking for a place where people are important. And in Canada, this is the element where we noticed that Canada appreciates ethical AI, appreciates responsible approach to AI.”

LogicAI is a proud graduate of our signature Startup Visa Program

It is important to state that through the City of Toronto’s support, LatAm Startups has been able to provide programming that assists not only LogicAI, but all of the startups in our portfolio.

Learn more about LogicAI

Get your first start into the Canadian market with LatAm Startups’ Programs

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