City of Toronto Supporting Tech Ecosystem Through LatAm Startups Programs

City of Toronto Tech

There is no question that since LatAm Startups was founded in 2016, the City of Toronto has been supportive of our community’s work and backed a number of LatAm events and program activities.

This year, the City of Toronto has committed to continuing its support and will be providing LatAm Startups with a grant by way of their Business Incubation and Commercialization Program. The grant is designed to help LatAm Startups add more value to its accelerator program and target tech startups from not only the Latam region, but from the rest of the world as well, to help them locate in the City.

Companies under the acceleration programs will receive the benefits of a marketing intern, an extra market expert mentor and support to create their first event in the city, helping them to build community.

Starting this month, LatAm Startups has hired five marketing interns, added 15 market expert mentors and assigned these resources to more than a dozen companies in the acceleration programs.

We are looking forward to continuing to work with the city of Toronto to support a promising group of tech startups, adding diversity and inclusion to the tech community.

About the Business Incubation & Commercialization Grant Program

The Business Incubation and Commercialization Grant Program provides financial support to incubators and entrepreneurship organizations interested in creating business formation, innovation, and job creation in Toronto and who provide robust programming to nascent entrepreneurs, businesses and start-ups. Read more.

For more information about our Acceleration Program, please contact Meg Welter (), Program Coordinator for the Acceleration Programs at LatAm Startups. 

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