Chilean Companies Complete LatAm Startups’ Phase 1 and Continue to DMZ and TechPlace

Chilean Startups

In a collaboration of 3 incubators/accelerators in the GTA, 9 Chilean companies completed the first part of programming with LatAm Startups to learn and develop an understanding of the Canadian ecosystem. Delivered through group and individual sessions with mentors of each topic and support from the LatAm Startups team, companies learned about immigration, incorporation, pivoting business models, customer discovery, financial projections, community building, angel investment, and marketing strategy. These companies have now moved on to work with DMZ Ryerson and will then join TechPlace.

Organized by ProChile, this threeway partnership with LatAm Startups, DMZ Ryerson, and TechPlace will allow the companies to learn about the startup ecosystem and its resources, build a business plan, strategize their entry, and prepare themselves to receive funding as they execute their expansion plans.

It has been a pleasure to work with Chattigo, SCM LatAm, Infraseg, Fácil3D, Alfi, Forcast, Mhaite, Cloma, and Atacama Scope. LatAm Startups wishes them the best in their remaining programming as they consider new markets to expand to.

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