Beatnik & Sons: Successful B-Corp Certification & PR

Beatnik & Sons

“Made to Last- This is what we believe in. Good quality products. A lifetime travel companion.”

Ethical, long-lasting, hand-finished, and quality fashion are some words that describe Beatnik & Sons’ leather goods and accessories for travellers. Founded in 2015 with 3000 dollars, Beatnik & Sons began with one product – the Terry backpack. Since then, it has grown to much more – designing and manufacturing several different backpacks, handbags, laptop sleeves and other accessories, selling to adventurous travellers across Brazil and North America. 

Their growth of sales in 2016 and expanding their portfolio of products led to their first million in revenue in 2017. In 2018, they moved onwards to sell more than 10,000 backpacks and gained media spotlight, featuring on television shows and gaining over 75,000 Instagram followers. The brand continued its growth and joined LatAm Startups’ Startup Bootcamp (now called Phase 1: Market Validation) to begin its expansion to North America.

Lipsio Carvalho, the founder of Beatnik & Sons, shared the exciting news of his company’s recent B Corp Certification and long-awaited permanent residency after 18 months.

The B Corp certification was no easy process, taking almost 13 months. Still, well worth it as Carvalho shared that they “consider it as important as the permanent residency… it’s almost like the permanent residency for the company because the B Corp certification finally proves what we have been doing since day one.” For those that are unaware, being a certified B Corp recognizes that the corporation meets the “highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.” This accomplishment brings Beatnik & Sons within the directory of 4049 companies in the whole world with this certification.

“All our products are handmade on a sustainable manufacturing chain and using certified leather. It’s not only a company that builds beautiful products made out of leather, but it’s also the processes that are sustainable, and that has been so since day one.” – Lipsio Carvalho, Founder of Beatnik & Sons

Beatnik & Sons’ pride in its quality of products comes from its use of properly sourced leather. Their use of a vegetable-tanning leather process may lengthen the time to make their products, but it ensures the longevity of their leather. Their method of tanning leather is the most ecological method, contrary to a faster alternative that uses heavy metals like mercury and zinc.

The certification is undoubtedly good news, putting behind a difficult few months following April 2020 with a significant drop in travel. As a brand positioned to those that want or dream of travelling, the pandemic affected their sales, but soon were happy to see by September of 2020, the company take off again. Since then, 2021 has been an excellent year for them in Brazil, and they plan to strategize and continue their acceleration in North America.

Moving forward with these milestones, Carvalho and the team plan to place Beatnik & Sons products on shelves of Canadian and American retailers. Carvalho shared that they’re already in action, selling and pitching buyers all across Canada and hopes to have their bags and accessories in store for Canadians this winter. 

Learn more about Beatnik & Sons and check out their collection here.

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